2060 Blog

Insights from our Experts

Situations That Could Have Been Avoided with Reputation Management

Earning and maintaining a favorable online reputation is hard work, and without the help of a reputation management agency, it’s relatively easy for a brand to go from hero to zero in very little time. For instance, check out these sobering situations that could have been avoided with quality reputation management.

2060 Digital Earns Distinction of Premier Google Partner

In June of 2016, 2060 Digital became qualified as a Premier Google Partner, earning the Premier status after qualifying as a Google Partner in February.

What the Recent Facebook Changes Mean for Your Business

Facebook’s continual push for progress and near-constant tweaking of their News Feed algorithm keeps marketers on their toes, to say the least. The latest iteration of these algorithmic adjustments–and perhaps one of the biggest–was announced at the end of June, when Facebook introduced a major update to the News Feed that would basically prioritize posts…

Your Guide for Marketing to Millennials

Millennials – the largest generation by population, and the generation with the shortest attention span. Successfully marketing to Millennials takes not only an ever-changing strategy that constantly evolves with the their fleeting passions, but also speaks their language, captures their attention, and fuels their interests. The simple truth: Traditional marketing tactics aren’t going to work…

How to Tap Into the Power of Employee Advocacy on Social Media

Social media is an integral marketing and growth tool when it has a supportive team behind it. Employee influence can have a positive impact on a company’s marketing efforts – that’s why we encourage employees to take an active role on social media and to be social media advocates for their company.

Behind the Screen with Digital Market Director Catie Holoubek

The 2060 Digital Chicago team is led by Catie Holoubek, who draws on her experience in both the push and pull mediums of marketing to bring clients the kind of digital advertising strategies that get them real ROI. Catie shares the career journey she took to get to 2060, some inspiring client success stories, and more!

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