2060 Blog

Insights from our Experts

How to Rank Higher Than Your Competitors On Google

Hillary Weidner, Digital Brand Strategist Any digital marketer will tell you that a high ranking in Google can be worth its weight in gold, but of course, that’s much easier said than done. While the multitude of factors and ranking signals that go into Google’s search algorithm remain a carefully guarded secret, several key search…

How Facebook is Widening the Web for Users with Visual Impairments

Mindlessly scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram feeds typically serves as something to fill the time when you’re waiting for an oil change, sitting at a red light, standing in line at a coffee shop, or strategically avoiding eye contact with a passer-by. What do you see as you scroll?

Like What You See About Your Business Online? How Reputation Management Can Help

It’s a fairly common scenario: A business owner searches for their own company on Google just to see what comes up, only to be met with disappointing results. Perhaps they’re nowhere to be found on the first page of the search results, or maybe there are only a couple of auto-generated listings that contain their…

When Should You Refresh Your Display Ad Content?

You’ve invested a lot of time into your display ad campaigns, but how much time and money have you spent refreshing your ad copy? With ever-evolving technology, online advertising is aggressively growing, yet consumers are oftentimes overwhelmed by the abundance and repetition of the ads they see. And when the same old ad runs too…

How to Tell If Your SEO is Working

Search engine optimization (SEO) can be a tough nut to crack sometimes, and with all of the different ranking factors that are at play at any given time, it can be difficult to determine whether or not your SEO is even working. While the art and science of assessing SEO impact is still far from…

Behind the Screen with Digital Campaign Strategist Max Kanet

Marketing is in Max Kanet’s blood, and his passion for getting results for clients has taken him on a career journey that’s honed his skills for market research, analytics, and strategy. Read on to see where it all began, and how he’s bringing his wealth of knowledge and experience to 2060 Digital.

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