Your SEO Questions, Answered: 5 Blogs You Need to Read

| 2060 Digital

Sometimes, digital marketing can seem like a giant, ever-changing puzzle with so many moving parts that it makes your head swim. And it can be tough to get good answers to your questions as you discern the right strategy for your business.

Today, we’re taking your SEO questions – “I want to outrank my competitors on Google – do I use SEO or PPC?” “I know I’m doing SEO, but is it even working?” “I’ve got a blog, so why am I not seeing more SEO results?” – and answering them in these five blog posts. Dive in, then drop us a line if there’s anything you’d like further clarification on!

Want to rank higher in Google results than your biggest competitor? A strong SEO program can help get you there:

How to Rank Higher Than Your Competitors On Google

Tap..tap…tap…is this thing on? Not sure if your SEO is working? Here’s how you’ll know:

How to Tell If Your SEO is Working

Should you concentrate on SEO or PPC, or both? Here’s how to tell the difference between them:

SEO vs. PPC – What’s the Difference?

When done correctly, SEO can make your ROI soar – but the key word here is “correctly.” Here’s what to avoid:

Avoid These SEO Pitfalls and Watch Your ROI Grow

Blogging regularly? Great! But that’s not going to cut it to keep your website at the top of its SEO game. Find out what else you need:

The Blog is Not Enough: Why SEO Needs Fresh Website Copy, Too