The Blog is Not Enough: Why SEO Needs Fresh Website Copy, Too

| 2060 Digital

One of the most oft-repeated axioms in all of digital marketing is that “Content is king,” and for many marketers, this statement is a salient reminder to keep blogs updated with fresh posts on a regular basis. While it’s definitely a good practice to keep your dynamic content (e.g., blogs, company news, events, etc.) up-to-date, that doesn’t mean that the more static content on your website can just sit and languish. Here’s why you need to keep your website copy fresh right along with your blog.

You attract more attention from search engine spiders.

Search engine spiders thrive on new content, whether it comes from fresh blog posts or a static page that gets frequently updated by a webmaster. As dozens of SEO case studies have revealed, one of the most unique things about search engine spiders is that they seem to be “trained” to give more attention to websites that frequently update their content, whether dynamic or static.

It’s the classic principle of the squeaky wheel getting the grease; in other words, search engine spiders will begin to visit your site more frequently when you give them a reason to do so.

It conveys the image that you’re on top of your game.

If you’ve ever visited a website that speaks of something in the past as if it still hasn’t happened yet, it immediately conveys the image that the company is not on top of their game. For example, perhaps you’re visiting a static page on a company’s website where they’re talking about a product that’s scheduled to be released in the summer of 2015; you automatically know that you’re dealing with a company that hasn’t taken the time to update their website.

While this may not be a make-or-break issue, it can definitely put a damper on your perception of that company’s level of professionalism. Keeping your static content updated shows your audience that you’re regularly attending to your website, which communicates a level of care and attention to detail that can boost your brand’s image.

It demonstrates that your company is constantly growing and evolving to meet your customers’ needs.

Businesses constantly grow and evolve as a matter of natural course, and without maintaining a willingness to stay nimble in this highly competitive business environment, you can get left behind before you know it. Updating your website is just one of the ways that you can demonstrate that your brand is constantly growing, changing, and evolving to continue meeting the needs of your target market.

In one sense, keeping your website updated to reflect the changes in your industry is a key to earning the trust of your audience, as they typically don’t look favorably on a business that can’t keep up with their ever-changing needs and buying habits.

It’s an important security measure.

As countless web developers will tell you, failing to keep your website updated on a regular basis is the virtual equivalent of letting all the crooks in town know that your house is going to be empty for a full week while you’re on vacation. Hackers love to target websites that have been neglected by their owners, and they often use these abandoned sites to promote spam, phishing, or other illegal online activity.

It’s a great way to optimize the performance of your site.

When it comes to updating website copy, you never know how much difference a little tweak here or there can make. By constantly revising and refining the content of your static pages, you’re fine-tuning your site to boost engagement, attract even more leads and increase conversions.

Your website is one of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal, so when it comes to keeping your site copy fresh, don’t be content to leave it to the blog. Be committed to maximize every aspect of your website, so it can yield results that reflect its true potential.