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The 2060 Digital Blog

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car salesman in a car lot with clipboard

4 Ways Auto Dealers Can Use Social Media to Boost Sales

The auto industry is synonymous with loyalty. But as the automobile business landscape becomes even more competitive, savvy dealers are doing all they can to foster long-term relationships with customers through social media. Used in conjunction with email campaigns and a strong web presence, auto dealers who use social media can boost sales not on…
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How to Make a Facebook Post Double Its Reach (or more!)

Small and large businesses alike use Facebook as the link between their company and their customer. But many recent changes to Facebook have left some businesses wondering if they’re really reaching any customers at all – Facebook has drastically altered its algorithm to reduce the amount of posts people see from the company pages they like.
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Tasty Tips for Restaurants Using Social Media

Here at 2060 Digital we consult with lots of Cincinnati restaurants
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The 3 Emails Your Leads are Waiting to Receive from You

So you’ve got an email database. Are you doing anything with it? If you’re just sending out the occasional blast with sales and coupons, you’re only reaching the sales-ready people – which statistics say is about 25 percent of your list. What do you do with the other 75 percent? What do they want from you? Just a little nurturing.
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5 Must-Haves in Any Social Media Management Package

Over the last few years, both small businesses and large companies have recognized social media as a major opportunity to expand their consumer base and improve their brand profile. With the assistance of social media marketers, some of these businesses have successfully connected with their audiences in lasting ways – but others are only scratchin…
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How to Wield Social Media to Build Your Brand Empire

Social media is one of the most powerful and effective tools to build a solid brand for your business. And almost all businesses, regardless of their scope, readership or niche, have at least a fan page on the main social media networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. But let’s be honest – some are significantly carrying more soci…
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Does Inbound Marketing Only Work for B2B Companies?

It’s no secret that inbound marketing is one of the best digital marketing practices employed by B2B (business-to-business) companies. But does inbound marketing only work for B2B companies? What about B2C (business-to-consumer) companies that want to stand out of the crowd and get an edge in their niches? Even if B2B companies operate differently …
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How to Use Pinterest for Market Research and Trend Forecasting

Ever since Pinterest launched in 2010, it’s received worldwide attention and praise for being one of the most innovative and unique platforms to emerge in social media. What many people don’t realize is that Pinterest is not just a popular outpost for enthusiastic DIY-ers, style mavens and aspiring chefs; it’s also a great tool to use for conductin…
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Don't Miss These Popular Social Media and Inbound Marketing Blog Posts

Here at 2060 Digital, we’re dedicated to bringing you helpful information about social media and inbound marketing best practices so you can stay informed and make the most of your digital marketing efforts. And since we know your time is valuable, we’re offering up some of our most popular posts for you to peruse instead of wading through the many…
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5 Steps to a Successful Social Strategy for Instagram

More and more businesses are realizing the importance of incorporating social media into their daily marketing activities. Although Facebook and Twitter have become regular fixtures in the average company’s social media strategy, not as many businesses have recognized the potential of Instagram as a platform for increasing brand awareness and foste…
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Is HubSpot Worth It? What Analytics Say About Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

Management guru Peter Drucker once famously stated that “You cannot manage what you cannot measure.” Nowhere is this more true than in the realm of inbound marketing. Without some type of software to help you quantify and analyze the effects of your inbound marketing efforts, you’re essentially flying blind, and will undercut your own success due t…
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How to Manage Your Business’ Social Conversation

No one doubts the viability of social media as a way to engage your customers and further solidify the presence of your brand online. Unfortunately, many business owners feel overwhelmed managing their social media accounts on top of all the other responsibilities they have on a daily basis. Automated social posting tools begin to sound more and mo…