Insights from the experts

The 2060 Digital Blog

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watering a yellow flower with watering can

What is Lead Nurturing and How Do You Do It?

The art of converting a lead into a sale is one of the most valuable skills a business can acquire. While no one would disagree that revenue generation is the ultimate objective behind lead acquisition, the path to convert leads into sales is not always as straightforward as we would like it to be. Many businesses do a great job of generating leads…
woman on laptop by christmas tree

Holiday Spirit: Incorporate Charities Into Your Social Media Strategy

This holiday season, why not do a little good with your social media strategy while giving your pages a boost? In this digital age, it’s easier than ever for businesses and non-profits to incorporate social media into their fundraising and promotional campaign strategies. People love to give to worthy causes, and with the help of social media, busi…
company meeting in bright room

6 Ways to Increase Blog Readership and Subscribers

Running a business blog is a constant balancing act: Churning out new posts, responding to comments, tweaking your site’s design and a host of other details can easily occupy the majority of your time, leaving little room for you to focus on the all-important task of growing your blog readership. Cultivating a growing subscriber base is one of the …
woman holding holographic globe

How to Incorporate Twitter’s New Custom Timelines into Your Social Media Strategy

Twitter recently debuted its Custom Timelines feature, and you may be wondering how your business can incorporate this new functionality into your overall social media strategy. First, let’s talk about what it is. In a nutshell, custom timelines enable users to create as many topic-specific content portals as they wish – essentially a curation tool…
Hummingbird on a flower

How to Update Your SEO Strategy for Google’s Hummingbird Algorithm

If there’s one thing that stays constant in the world of Search Engine Optimization, it’s change. You can talk to any SEOer who’s been in the business for more than five years, and they’ll more than likely be able to share a few stories with you, including having one (or more) of their sites de-indexed or completely battered in Google’s search rank…
dog with newspapers on doorstep

The Top 10 Resources for Social Media News and Updates

In the world of social media, changes can and do happen at a blistering pace. Unless your full-time job is to track social media news trends and updates, trying to keep up with all of the latest happenings in the social media arena can prove to be quite difficult, if not impossible. For this reason, it’s much better to have a stable of online resou…
lightbulb drawings

5 Ways to Freshen Up Your Blog Content

Writer’s block: It happens to the best of us. When you’re running a business blog, it can be frustrating to stare at a blank page with a blinking cursor, feeling like your brain is empty and completely out of ideas. It doesn’t have to be this way, though–sometimes you just need a little catalyst to help you jump-start the creative process and get y…
blog spelled on a keyboard

Why and How to Start a Business Blog

Roughly fifteen years ago, hardly anyone had ever even heard of the term “blog”, much less authored one of their own. Now blogging has become one of the bedrock practices of millions of Internet users, and experts estimate that more than 100,000 new blogs are being created every single day of the week. While blogging has long been a medium of perso…
social media sign with money behind it

Practical Ways Businesses Can See ROI from Social Media

The term “social media” means different things to different businesses: Some organizations view social media as a vibrant pipeline of conversation and customer feedback, while others see it as a necessary evil that produces a negligible amount of ROI. Perhaps one of the most common factors that causes businesses to hesitate when it comes to impleme…
scene marker with women behind it

How to Optimize a Business YouTube Channel

YouTube is an absolute gold mine for businesses that are looking to expand their reach by way of video marketing. With more than 800 million visitors per month, the potential impact of YouTube as a medium for brand exposure simply cannot be ignored. So how do you get your business’s YouTube channel to stand out among the billions of clips that are …
small business owners at their bakery counter

3 Ways a Small Business Can Grow a Big Social Media Audience

In the last few years, social media has become one of the best things to happen to small business organizations. Social media marketing campaigns allow small businesses to reach exponentially more potential customers than ever before. But, in order to make the most of your social media campaigns, your business needs to make an effort to grow its so…
fingers with cartoon faces drawn on them with thought bubbles

Adapt Your Social Media Marketing Strategy for Facebook and Twitter

If you’re relatively new to social media marketing, then it’s possible that you’re treating your strategies for Facebook and Twitter in the same way. While there are definitely similarities between the two, it’s all too easy to create a “one size fits all” approach to your social media marketing strategy and unwittingly undermine the unique strengt…