5 Ways to Freshen Up Your Blog Content
| 2060 DigitalWriter’s block: It happens to the best of us. When you’re running a business blog, it can be frustrating to stare at a blank page with a blinking cursor, feeling like your brain is empty and completely out of ideas. It doesn’t have to be this way, though–sometimes you just need a little catalyst to help you jump-start the creative process and get your writing gears turning again. Below are five business blog content ideas that will provide you with a springboard to begin creating fresh and engaging content.
1. Create List Posts
Everyone loves a list post. Lists not only break down your content ideas into bite-sized segments, but they’re also visually friendly as well. You can craft a list based on industry-related issues or happenings, presenting common topics in a new and inviting way. Utilizing top-10, best-of, how-to and other popular list formats will enable you to present your ideas within a creative framework.
2. Use Multimedia Content, Not Just Text
Although text-based posts are usually the bedrock of a business blog, sometimes it is good to mix it up a bit and publish videos, images or audio files relating to your industry. For example, you could include an audio interview of an industry expert, or publish video footage of an industry conference or trade show. One popular commercial development company published a time-lapse video of one of their construction projects, showing the building of a luxury residential tower from the ground up. Take some time to think about what type of multimedia content you could offer that would be of value to your readers, and publish blog posts that highlight these alternative types of content.
3. Answer Frequently-Asked Customer Questions
Some of the most fertile ideas can come from your customer base in the form of suggestions, questions and even complaints. Look through your emails, review comments from your blog and consult with your sales and support team to get a feel for your customers’ most commonly asked questions, and then develop a blog post to provide clear answers to them. You may find that some of your customers’ inquiries may merit their own blog post; in this case, it may be necessary to create a numbered series of blog posts, covering one question per post, in order to provide thorough and detailed responses.
4. Compile Industry Data and Statistics
You can make your blog the “one-stop shop” for all things relating to your field of expertise by aggregating a wide variety of industry information and statistics into one power-packed blog post. Include videos, infographics, photos, published studies, etc. and organize all of the data so that it has a logical flow, ultimately giving your readers a well-rounded picture of the overall topic. This will relieve your readers of having to visit scores of different websites in order to find the information, and it will be a magnet for social sharing as well.
5. Provide Industry-Related Book Reviews
Sometimes reviewing what others within your industry are saying can be a means of finding your own voice. Create a blog post in which you review a handful of the most popular books within your particular discipline. Highlight different excerpts that you found to be helpful, and also point out some of the author’s ideas that you didn’t agree with. Take the time to point out what segments of your audience will benefit most from each book, and give each book your personal rating.
Although it can be difficult at times to keep the creative juices flowing, trying out these content-generating ideas will provide you with an ample supply of material for your business blog. Take these ideas and put them into practice, and you’ll be well on your way to creating vibrant, informative and irresistible blog posts!