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The 2060 Digital Blog

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guys around a grill in lawn chairs

How to Actually Have a Productive Social Media Brainstorming Session

In the intensely competitive arena of social media marketing, new ideas are the lifeblood of content generation. Unfortunately, many marketers can find it difficult to strike out in a new creative direction, especially under the pressure of looming deadlines. A brainstorming session would be great, but as most of us know from experience, these type…
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LinkedIn Ads v. LinkedIn Groups – What’s Better?

Business professionals of all kinds are well aware of the power of LinkedIn as a networking and marketing tool. Boasting a user base of over 300 million professionals in more than 200 different countries and territories, the B2B social network offers plenty of marketing opportunities for businesses that are seeking to expand their customer base. Tw…
girl bouncing on beach ball

Lower Your Bounce Rate With These Tips for an Effective Home Page

Although “bounce rate” sounds lighthearted, it can be a marketer’s worst nightmare. A website’s bounce rate is defined as the percentage of people who arrive at your home page (or any other page on your site) and immediately leave without interacting with your site. For example, a bounce rate of more than 90% means that 9 out of every 10 people tha…
football coach on mobile phone on sidelines

How to Run Your First Promoted Pins Campaign on Pinterest

Pinterest has quickly become a dominant force in social media for businesses due to its innovative layout and unique emphasis on visual content. But one of the questions that has frequently cropped up over the years is “How exactly will the company make money from Pinterest?” The answer is becoming more clear now based on an announcement by Pintere…
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Not Enough Leads? How to Tell If Your Website Is the Problem

New leads are the lifeblood of any business. The only way to develop a strong client base is to find ways to create a steady stream of qualified leads, but this requires establishing effective channels through which you can attract those leads. One of the most important lead generation channels in this regard is your website. If you’re experiencing…
businessman on laptop wearing sunglasses

What to Watch on Your Competitors’ Social Media Accounts

The strategic use of social media is one of the most important tools in a marketer’s arsenal and has skyrocketed over the past decade, with over 90% of all businesses now reporting that they regularly utilize social media as a part of their marketing strategy (as compared to only 20% in 2007). This means that the social media landscape is crowded, …
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SEM Secrets Only the Experts Know

Roughly 60 percent of all Internet users rely on search engines to help them find information, which translates into literally billions of searches per day. Google alone processes an average of 40,000 searches per second. Getting your website in front of targeted viewers based on their search queries can definitely boost the amount of traffic your …
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Tips for Balancing Your Digital Marketing Budget

One of the first priorities of the new year for most marketers is the issue of establishing and/or balancing a digital marketing budget. Whether it’s calculating your projected revenues or determining which advertising mediums deserve the most attention, there are many factors to consider when developing a marketing budget. Below are four key tips …
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What Do the New Facebook Changes Mean for Your Business?

Let’s begin a new year in social media marketing with these sage words: “The only thing that is constant is change.” And today, we’re talking about Facebook and its ever-evolving policies. Ever since its historic (and somewhat controversial) IPO in February of 2012, the world’s largest social network has experienced the natural growing pains that c…
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What Makes HubSpot Worth the Investment

HubSpot is one of the most familiar names in the inbound marketing space, being recognized as an industry leader in the arena of business marketing software. Their flagship product offering is billed as an all-in-one inbound marketing software platform, complete with a suite of tools that automate many common inbound marketing tasks such as bloggin…
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What To Know Before Entrusting Your Email Marketing To Another Agency

Email marketing benefits abound – it can be effectively targeted to increase sales, it can create customer loyalty and it can generate valuable customer feedback. If well implemented, email marketing can also deliver significant return on investment, as well as superior customer engagement metrics.
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Savvy Tricks for Increasing Blog Readership

It’s every marketer’s worst nightmare: You pay thousands to a developer to design and code a perfect blog, click “post” and… nothing happens. No one comments, no one signs up for the email newsletter, and if the statistics are to be believed, the only people who’ve read your blog are you and your mother. It’s true that in today’s crowded internet,…