It Takes a Village – How Many People Does It Take to Run a Digital Campaign?
| 2060 DigitalA successful digital marketing campaign is easier said than done. Digital marketing is a complex machine with many moving parts, and without the care and attention of a dedicated team, it can fall short of delivering significant results for your business. With all of the different nuances and details to consider, just how many people does it take to properly manage a digital campaign? While the exact numbers will vary based on the company or campaign, below are some of the basic elements and responsibilities that must be taken into consideration in order to keep the engine running smoothly.
1. Brainstorming New Growth Goals and Strategies
Before a digital campaign can be launched, there has to be some kind of idea of what a brand expects to get out of their efforts; this is where the skills of a Digital Brand Strategist can really come into play. What kind of goals does the company plan to accomplish? What metrics does the company want to impact the most (e.g., leads generated, products sold, etc.)? A digital brand strategist can assume this all-important responsibility, assessing your company’s needs and developing parameters to match your goals in order to get your campaign started off on the right foot.
2. Optimizing Digital Development and Design
There are several digital touch points that will need to be created in order to foster customer engagement (e.g., landing pages, email marketing templates, etc.), each of which are designed to guide prospects through the various phases of the conversion funnel. These touch points should be in place before the first visitor even arrives, but in order for that to happen, you will need to have Web Developers, Graphic Designers and other tech-savvy team members who can focus on creating these digital assets.
3. Maintaining the Brand’s Social Media Presence
For businesses in today’s digital age, social media has become an absolute necessity, and any brand that’s serious about engaging with its audience must maintain an active social media presence. This isn’t something ]you can poke with a 10-foot pole either; you must regularly interact with your fans and followers through your social media channels in a manner that reflects the culture of your brand, while staying in alignment with the overall objectives of your strategy. In other words, social media success is a delicate balancing act, and it requires the commitment of a skilled Social Media Strategist in order to boost the “social capital” of your brand.
4. Creating a Content Marketing Strategy
As the famous marketing adage goes, “Content is king,” and if you want to make the most out of your digital marketing efforts, you will need to have a keen Content Strategist who can create and develop content that will attract, interest and retain customers on a consistent basis. Since your company’s blog will play a huge part in shaping how your brand is perceived by your target audience, the importance of the Content Strategist’s role cannot be overstated. This content, along with the content found on the static pages of your website, is primarily responsible for feeding the search engines, which will largely determine your visibility in organic search results.
5. Managing Online Advertising Campaigns
This could be in the form of pay-per-click (PPC) search engine marketing, display/banner advertising on related sites, social media advertising (e.g., Facebook Ads, Pinterest Promoted Pins, etc.), or other digital advertising methods. Within each of these disciplines are additional tasks such as developing effective ad copy and creative, optimizing ad spend, split testing, etc., all of which require dedicated personnel who can focus on maximizing the results of all advertising efforts.
6. Monitoring Digital Campaign Progress
Every digital campaign needs a Project Manager who can coordinate and schedule tasks between different areas, to ensure that campaign milestones are being met on time (and according to budget). The Project Manager also serves as a valuable point of contact who can keep you up to speed regarding every aspect of your campaign’s progress.
7. Measuring and Reporting Campaign Performance Metrics
Someone has to crunch the numbers, right? In any digital marketing campaign, it is vital to have Analytics and Reporting Specialists in place who can dedicate their efforts to aggregating, reporting and assessing various campaign performance metrics. Their job is to measure campaign results against the goals and objectives that have been established, and then identify trends, insights and areas of improvement in order to optimize campaign results.
As you can see, it takes a “village” of trained experts in order to successfully develop and manage a successful digital marketing campaign. At 2060 Digital, your digital marketing team acts as your digital Swiss army knife, with multiple skills and areas of expertise that can help you achieve your marketing goals.