Content Creation The Easy Way – Quick Ideas For Business Blog Posts

| 2060 Digital

If you’ve got a business blog, you’re on the right track to creating a website that’s a lead generation powerhouse. But one of the most difficult things about having a business blog is maintaining a business blog with fresh, engaging content your readers will find valuable and worth their time to read. What happens when you run into writer’s block? Don’t stop posting – that can knock your SEO standings and you could end up seeing a drop in readership. Instead, try these quick and easy ideas for business blog posts when you hit a lull in content ideas.

1. Curate Content

If you’ve run out of ideas or time, sharing curated content is a great option to make sure a blog post goes up at the regularly scheduled time. Content curation refers to gathering detailed information around a specific topic, in this case a topic that concerns your business or your industry, and that your readers may be interested in. Center a blog post around a theme and share 5-10 links to content on other sites that fits within the theme. Briefly summarize what readers will find by clicking on each link and voila – you’ve created fresh content by sharing curated content!

2. Share a Client Success Story

Many times, readers may not understand the scope of your company’s products and services until they see them being used in a real-life situation. Another quick blog post idea is sharing a success story of one of your customers after they used your business to solve a problem. This offers your readers a clear example of what you can do for them, and it’s relatively easy to write-up a brief post highlighting a client’s success. In fact, you may even have an online portfolio you can pull from. Just be sure you ask your client’s permission before using them as examples in marketing material.

3. Post a ‘How-To’

Want to really up the value of a blog post while saving yourself some time and effort? Write up a quick “how-to” for using one of your products. This is content you should know like the back of your hand, so it shouldn’t take long to type it out. And it’s also content your readers will find highly valuable. Sharing how to use or do something you are a professional in furthers your thought leadership and expertise. Own a residential cleaning business? Share a “how-to” for cleaning grout or removing stains from carpet. Sell auto parts? Post a “how-to” for changing your own oil. The possibilities for “how-to” posts are endless!

4. Highlight Your Top 10 Posts

This is possibly one of the easiest blog posts to create, and a great way to pack in some quality long-tail keywords and inbound links. Take a look at your blogging stats from the last month, last year or even all-time. Sort them by most read or viewed and create a post that links to the top 10. Write a breif description about each, making sure to use your long-tail keywords, and include an introduction paragraph telling readers why you’re drawing their attention to these popular posts.

5. Get Ideas From Your Customers or Sales Team

Still at a loss for ideas of what your target personas will find valuable to read? By all means, ask them! Take to Twitter or Facebook and ask your audience what areas of your business they’re most interested in, or which product do they know the least about. Use their answers as springboards for blog posts that you know they’ll find interesting. You can also ask your sales team for the most common questions they hear when working with potential customers. Then, use your blog to answer those questions. The benefit to approaching content creation this way is two-fold: not only are you generating very specific content targeted to your customers wants and needs, but you’re also providing your sales team with a very powerful tool they can use to nurture prospects by answering their questions.