5 Creative Ways to Get Social Media Followers in Your Store
| 2060 DigitalSo your company’s on social media – maybe Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or more – and you’re posting regularly, analyzing and setting goals, but wondering…where is everyone? Getting people to walk through the door of your business through your social media efforts can be a bit tricky. But we’ve got a few creative ideas to get your social media followers in your store and buying your product. A presence on social media is a great thing for your company: you can let a broad online audience know about your business and what it has to offer. But just because you’ve got lots of followers doesn’t mean they’ll still show up to your business. So let’s get creative and get those social media followers to actually come out to where you are.
Offer Followers-Only Deals
Followers-only deals give only people who are followers or likers of your social media page access to certain sales, promotional offers and other unique events. For instance, you can offer a promotional coupon on your Facebook timeline that followers can print out and bring to your store. This not only gives people incentive to come in, but also creates a sense of exclusivity to being a follower of your social media page.Post Real-Time Updates
If you’ve got a special event happening at your store or if you just received a new product, then consider posting real-time updates of what’s going on. Post pictures of your new product and tell people to come by as quickly as possible to make sure they get one. If you can show multiple pictures of your inventory going down as more and more people come in, you’ll create a sense of urgency.Host Meetup Events
A meetup is an event where followers of a social media page will meet up in a physical location. Maybe you’ve heard of Tweetups? Hosting a meetup is useful if you’re trying to get people in your store to see just what you have to offer – whether it’s a new inventory, a great deal, innovations, etc. Not only are you getting people in your store through a meetup, but you’re also helping to build community among your followers.Create a Sense of Mystery
Piquing your audience’s curiosity is a great way to convince them to come into your store. One idea is to slowly reveal a new product through a series of photos and encourage followers to guess. This method can easily be combined with the first method – offering a followers-only deal. Once someone has guessed correctly, they could receive a unique coupon code for this item. Or maybe after the item is revealed, everyone who follows your page gets a discount.Make Personal Invitations
You can also simply make personal invitations. Some followers may not feel that they have a personal connection with your business if they haven’t ever purchased something from you. Being friendly and personally inviting a follower to come in and take a look at what you have to offer may go a long way to helping him or her feel welcome.