Write What You’d Read: 5 Tips for Better Content

| 2060 Digital

We get it, writing content month after month for the same business can start to feel more like routine work than creative expression. Instead of going through the motions of write-send-post-repeat, consider it an opportunity to improve your skills as a content creator. Here are five tips to keep in mind the next time you feel like the content you’re writing could use a little boost. Read Time: 2 minutes, 20 seconds

Take a Break

When you sit down to write 10 social media posts or an 800-word blog post, most of us have a tendency to place the majority of our focus on getting it done, not necessarily doing our best. Remember, much like physical energy, brain power is an exhaustible resource. Think about running a mile: If you run it in 100-yard increments and stop the time while catching your breath after each, your final time is going to be much lower than if you ran it all at once. If you have to write 15 posts for social media, do one or two at a time, with breaks in between.

Flex Your Funny Bone

Not everyone is going to be interested in the topics you’re writing about, but everyone (okay, almost everyone) appreciates some humor. No matter what type of business you’re writing for, there’s bound to be a joke somewhere if you look hard enough. Don’t worry if it’s a super cheesy one, someone out there will appreciate the moment of lightheartedness in their day!

Keep Up with Culture

The internet can give us some pretty crazy trends (think Tide pods, the blue or gold dress, etc.). Use these as an opportunity to give your brand some extra relevance by participating in the discussion! As silly as they may seem, you can score major points with your audience by adding a human element to your content strategy. Keep in mind that you have to be on your toes as these trends can change at a moment’s notice.

Practice Practicality

We’ve all come across an article, fact, or general advice on social media that we’ve applied to our lives. No matter what type of content you’re writing, there’s always an opportunity to share some information that may be beneficial to your audience. Even if it doesn’t directly apply to the business you’re writing for, if it can engage users or even just make them think, it’s worth it.

Write What You’d Read

…But I have different interests than my audience! While you may think this is the case, there’s a good chance that what you find interesting, others will too. Next time you’re struggling with what to write about, or how to write it, try writing as if you were the audience. Would you want to read it? If not, switch it up to something you’d take five minutes out of your day to read.