What Social Networks are Best for Your Business?

| 2060 Digital

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube…the list goes on. There are so many different social networks out there that it’s difficult to keep track. They may all seem the same sometimes, but each has a different format and a different focus. So in order to market your brand on social media, you need to determine which social networks your target audience is most likely to be on and how to use each of them to your best advantage. Here’s a brief guide to figuring out what social networks are best for your business.


Twitter is a good place for brief announcements about what’s going on in your company. If it’s something your followers are interested in, they’ll help you spread the word by retweeting it. Twitter’s also good for sharing links to your content on other platforms such as blog posts and videos. Links tend not to spread as well on Twitter as text tweets, though, so don’t expend a lot of effort trying to promote your longer content on Twitter. Your existing followers will be interested, but it probably won’t help you gain many new ones. That’s done through composing quality tweets, engaging people and making connections.


Links and images, as well as blogs and other longer content, are more likely to spread here, so this is where you should concentrate your efforts in promoting your outside content. The images and links people like get shared over and over. Your followers share it, then their friends share it and the chain goes on as more and more people see your content and your page.


When determining what social networks are best for your business, the platforms you use depend on your goals. While Facebook and Twitter are about gaining a following and sharing content, LinkedIn is a professional resource best for making connections and networking with other people in your field. If you’re interested in discussing coming trends in your industry and finding people with similar goals that you can collaborate with in the future, LinkedIn is your resource.


Videos spread content in a more dynamic and entertaining way than a simple written blog. Expressing concepts visually will help cement them in your audience’s mind, and people are more likely to watch a video than read an essay. YouTube is also the second largest search engine in the world, so you have the potential to reach a great number of people.

What social networks are best for your business? Do some research. Find out where your target audience spends their time and what the best ways are to reach them. What are they most likely to respond to? A little planning can help enormously when promoting your brand.