What is MicroProximity Targeting?
| 2060 DigitalIt’s the seventh inning stretch, and after a round of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” fans start pulling out their phones. What are they thinking about as they use their favorite apps and browse the web? Maybe a nearby bar to get drinks with their friends, maybe a restaurant where they can take the kids to get an actual meal instead of nachos and pretzels, maybe a place where they can get a replica jersey of the player who just hit a grand slam. What if you could market directly to them in that moment with the very thing that they need?
Even if you don’t own a bar, restaurant, or sports apparel shop, there’s no doubt that you can think of instances where targeting your marketing to an actual location makes sense. And while location-based targeting isn’t extremely new, there have been significant advances into how tightly you can hone in on the locations of mobile users. We’re talking MicroProximity targeting, and you should definitely read up.
MicroProximity targeting is also referred to as “geofencing,” and it targets users in real time, as close as a few meters (using the GPS coordinates of their mobile device). This means that your digital advertising dollars are working extra-efficiently as the right content is being served to the right users at the right time. Whereas comparative mobile ad programs will only target to one mile, MicroProximity can help a bookstore with an in-store cafe reach people browsing for books and magazines with the message of “$6 lunch specials in our cafe!” right when those hunger pangs strike around noon.
Here’s how it works: 2060 Digital sets up the “fence” for the locations you wish to reach. Ads will appear to the people within that fence that link to your website or landing page to further your brand, message, and conversions. The fence could be as big as a ball park or as small as a coffee shop, and it doesn’t have to be anywhere near your business. If people in a certain location could benefit from your brand’s message, you can target them while they’re there as they view the web and/or their favorite apps.
There are four types of MicroProximity targeting:
Location Targeting. Reach consumers while they’re at specific locations, stores, offices, etc..
Conquest Targeting. Reach consumers while they’re visiting your competitors’ locations.
Area Targeting. Bring potential customers in or ask them to come back when they’re nearby.
Activity & Interest Targeting. Reach consumers based on the category of location they’re in, like coffee shops, bars, restaurants, etc.
Setting up a MicroProximity targeting campaign can encompass one or all of these types based on your particular industry, business or brand in order to make your ad dollars work their hardest. It’s advertising at its’ most efficient – drop us a line if you’d like to hear more.