Top 10 Mistakes Businesses Make on Facebook

| 2060 Digital

“Like us on Facebook” has become the new battle cry for businesses. Facebook pages provide a myriad of new opportunities to create interest in your brand, engaging your audience and keeping them informed about what you’re doing. However, many companies mistakenly think that simply having a Facebook page will automatically increase their sales. The truth is Facebook is merely a marketing tool. Success or failure comes from how you use it, so here’s a look at the top 10 mistakes businesses make on Facebook.

  1. Not promoting your page. Having a Facebook page can increase your company’s visibility – but only if you get the word out. Unless you actively start telling everyone about your page, no one will see it.

  2. Impatience. Even if you promote your page like crazy, it doesn’t automatically equal instant popularity. It takes time to build up a following. Stick with it.

  3. Using a personal profile instead of a business page. A personal profile is listed under people, rather than companies, making it harder for the public to find. It also looks much less professional.

  4. Not updating enough. Of the top 10 mistakes businesses make on Facebook, this is the biggest. Promoting on Facebook is about increasing your visibility. If you’re not updating regularly, your audience will forget about you.

  5. Updating too much. On the flipside, you don’t want to inundate people with posts, either. You’ll flood their newsfeeds, and they’ll start ignoring you. Stick to two or three updates per day, maximum.

  6. Lack of engagement. This is what sets social media apart from regular marketing: the opportunity for interaction. Respond to comments. Take suggestions from fans. Make your audience feel that you’re an actual person, not just a faceless company.

  7. Deleting negative comments. Rather than cleaning up your profile, this can actually tarnish your reputation further, by making it look like you’re trying to shut down any voice that disagrees with yours.

  8. Posting at the wrong time. When is your target audience likely to be online? If you post updates while people are at work or asleep, most of your fans won’t get to see them.

  9. Forgetting to track insights. Facebook gives you a plethora of statistics about who’s viewing your page, interacting with it, sharing it with their friends and more. You can use this information to help better target your posts and connect with your audience.

  10. Not budgeting for page promotion. In order to be seen on Facebook, sometimes you have to pay for it. Things like Facebook targeted ads and promoted posts cost money, but they can be a worthwhile investment that increases your visibility.

Social media is a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. With a little hard work, a little ingenuity and avoiding these top 10 mistakes businesses make on Facebook, it can lead to great success for your company.