Tips for Brainstorming Social Media Content
| 2060 DigitalSocial media plays a very prominent role in the way we interact with each other, but that doesn’t mean content will always come naturally for you. Whether you’re stuck because your once-great ideas aren’t working so well anymore or you simply have writer’s block, try putting these content development brainstorming techniques into practice.
Choose a medium that is comfortable for you. There’s no single brainstorming medium that’s perfect for everyone. Some people brainstorm best when they’re sitting in front of their computers, while others would rather be out on their back porches with notebooks in hand. Figure out what works best for you, but don’t be afraid to change it up if things start to feel stagnant.
Write down every idea that comes to your mind. Some people get hung up on the concept of brainstorming because they want all their ideas to be perfect – but we don’t live in a perfect world. In order to come up with the great ones, you have to put all your ideas out there and sort through them later. Whenever possible, write down ideas as they come to you. You’ll probably have your best brainstorms when you aren’t necessarily thinking about work or about social media.
Browse successful social media channels for inspiration. One of the best ways to get help with social media is to learn from the best. It’s important not to steal ideas, but you can take away insight from people who are using social media effectively. What are they doing well? Why do people respond positively to their content? How can you apply these practices to your own channels?
Write multiple drafts of your posts. It often takes several tries to get a post just right. While you’re coming up with new content ideas during your brainstorming, experiment with different wording and additional content like photos and videos. If possible, run your drafts by at least one other person to get input before you publish a final version.
Consider how you’ll add a personal touch. One of the biggest things that people miss when it comes to creating quality social media content is adding a personal touch. People want to make a connection through social media. Once you have a solid idea, think about how you can add personality.