The Secrets to Writing a Fantastic Blog Post

| 2060 Digital

Not many people would debate the validity of the famous blogging adage that “Content is king”, but for most bloggers, the question of what type of content to write has become the primary issue. It’s relatively easy to encourage people to write quality content, but what exactly does that look like? How can you be sure that what you share in your blog posts is going to leave a lasting impression on your audience? While there’s no silver bullet that will guarantee superstar status for your blog posts, there are a few tricks of the trade you can utilize to increase the likelihood of hitting a home run with the content that you publish. Below are some tips that will help you perfect the art of crafting outstanding and memorable blog posts:

Clear topic choice is key.

You have to know what you’re going to talk about before you get started. This one premise is deceptively simple, and for that reason alone you must make a conscious effort not to overlook it. When you’re writing your blog posts, a well-established topic will serve as your anchor, so that if you begin to drift in your writing, you can quickly get back on track by simply reminding yourself of what your post topic is about. Finding new topics to blog about is not always easy, but a simple Google search or brainstorming session can yield a litany of potential topics. Just make sure that whatever topic you choose to write about will remain the central theme of your post.

Use a conversational tone.

Blogging is an inherently personal activity (the word “blog” actually comes from the phrase “web log”, meaning a “web diary”), and for the most part, blog audiences are not expecting any type of dry, clinical or super-formal writing style when they read your posts. Be as personable as possible, and do your best to write in the same way that you would talk to someone if they were sitting right in front of you. This premise will obviously need to be adjusted based on the subject matter of your blog. For example, if you blog about serious or weighty topics such as domestic abuse or drug addiction, an overly casual approach could signal an apathetic or insensitive attitude towards your content. Do your best to temper your content according to your subject matter, but maintain a warm and personable feel to your writing.

Write posts in popular and/or easy-to-read formats.

Instructional (“how-to”) posts and list posts (e.g., “8 Mistakes Most Beginning Bloggers Make”, etc.) are some of the most popular and widely shared types of posts on the Web. Use headings, bullet points and numbered lists to make your posts easier on the eyes. If your paragraphs get too long, break them up into smaller chunks. These minor adjustments will make your blog posts more visually appealing and less intimidating to read.

Use supporting images and/or videos for added visual and aesthetic appeal.

Make sure that the visual media you choose is as relevant to your topic as possible. Many popular bloggers regularly publish posts that include embedded YouTube or Vimeo videos, just to add extra dimensionality to their content.

Check and then double-check your posts for spelling and grammar errors.

Nothing destroys credibility like a few simple grammatical or spelling mistakes within your post. If you’re positioning yourself as an authority or thought leader in your area of expertise, you want to present yourself in the most professional manner possible by making sure your written communications are airtight. If proofreading is not your strong suit, find someone who can review your work with a fine-toothed comb (including checking for broken links). Don’t click the “Publish” button until you know everything is correctly written.

Utilizing the above tips will help your blog posts stand out from the crowd, and in the process they’ll better serve your audience. Again, there are no silver bullets, but keeping these tips in mind will greatly increase the likelihood of your posts getting shared, tweeted, liked and mentioned!