Read Up on YouTube’s New Ad Format – Six-Second, Unskippable Bumper Ads

| 2060 Digital

Yesterday, YouTube made their True-View ad format – Bumper ads – available to all advertisers.

Bumper ads are designed not to run adjacent to other TrueView ads or as a stand-alone campaign, but instead are intended to be an ad group that runs concurrently with In-Stream and/or Video Discovery ads. In beta testing, Google found that Bumper ads provide a branding and awareness lift to advertisers, and seem to enhance the view rate for the other TrueView video ads running in the same campaign window.

The TrueView Bumper ads are unskippable, but their short six-second format is only one second longer than the skip point of In-Stream ads, so they don’t have the negative impact of longer non-skippable ads placed through the Display platform.

If you’re interested in learning more about advertising on YouTube (and you definitely should be – YouTube has more than a billion users watching, hundreds of millions of hours of video each day), check out one of our most popular blog posts, that goes in-depth into which ad format is the best for your business:


YouTube TrueView vs. Video Preroll – What Will Work Best for You?