Putting the ‘We’ in Social Media Management

| 2060 Digital

Yes, I know there is no “we” in the phrase “social media management,” but…there should be. Following one of the first times I attended a client recap meeting at 2060 Digital, the Account Executive on the account gave me an unexpected compliment. She thanked me for saying “we” and “our” to the client when referring to their Social Media Management program. She said, “I know that really means a lot to them. For them to know you’re on their team.” At the time I was a bit taken back by the comment. I was not being complimented for achieving great results or meeting one of the client’s goals. I was simply being acknowledged for working with the client as a team.

As I’ve continued to navigate the agency environment and master my client relationships, I’ve come to realize why the “we” is so important. In any given day I am working with a diverse group of clients, from doctors to homebuilders. And what makes the accounts a Social Media Strategist works on so special is rooted in the nature of the social media space. We’re not just creating a one-and-done campaign. We’re creating a community, and we’re in it for the long-haul.

The Social Media Management plans that 2060 Digital creates contain a complex combination of services. They’re all unique, they’re all different. I create ad copy, graphic concepts, and campaigns. I manage budgets and determine effective targeting. I write daily content for five or more social media networks, emails, and webpages. I run contests and sweepstakes. And in between, I manage constant conversations with my clients’ customers. From complaints to questions, I’m constantly switching between brand voices and nurturing the communities we’ve created.

To do this well, understanding the brand voice and the clients’ goals are imperative. I’m continually communicating with my clients. I tour their offices, studios, and factories. I put myself, sometimes literally, in the shoes of their consumers. I become more than the client’s agency, I become an extension of their business.

It’s no surprise, after this level of immersion, that I would naturally say “we” when speaking to a client. In a successful partnership, the relationships that I build with clients are truly special. I’ve been invited to participate in high-level strategy meetings for national brands. I’ve also had a client defer to me when our project management team was asking about the brand voice for their new website. To me, these gestures are what prove that I’ve done a successful job. They’re what make every day of a Social Media Management partnership fun and exciting. And ultimately they’re what make me proud of the work I’ve done.