2060 Blog

Insights from our Experts

How to Develop a Brand Voice through Social Media

When you consider social media for your company, finding your brand voice may not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, even the best social media content available won’t make an impact if it’s not backed by solid branding. Don’t get started confused and unclear about the sound of your brand – you…

Social Media: Virtual Word of Mouth

For businesses, social media can spread both good and bad news about your company very rapidly. As part of your social media plan, you should incorporate an online reputation management (ORM) strategy so that your business is properly promoted through online and social media channels. A social media plan should use the virtual word-of-mouth capabilities…

How Businesses Can Use Instagram

The popular photo-sharing app Instagram has taken mobile social media by storm – and businesses should definitely consider the marketing opportunities available through this interactive and widely used social media channel. Because Instagram profiles can run on multiple platforms including web, Windows, Android and iPhone devices, your business has the opportunity to reach quite a…

How to Improve Facebook Engagement

According to Hubspot, 71 percent of consumers are more likely to make a purchase because of a social media referral. LinkedIn notes that almost half of all IT purchase decisions are influenced by social networks, and of them, Facebook is the giant. The bottom line? Your business must include Facebook as a key component of…

Social Media is Constantly Changing – Here’s How to Keep Up

The pace of technology can be quite intimidating for some marketers and business managers. It seems that as soon as you get one initiative implemented, three more added to the queue. So how do you keep up? How do you keep your marketing strategy on the leading edge of these trends? Let’s take a look…

Social Media Has Changed the Way People Make Purchase Decisions

Not too long ago, consumers would visit local businesses, browse their products and make a decision to buy based on what they saw at the store. Sometimes a consumer would be influenced by an advertisement in a newspaper or on radio or television. But generally most shopping involved a visit to a store with very…

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