Insights from the experts

The 2060 Digital Blog

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woman on beach taking picture of sunset

So…What IS Google AdWords? How to Use the Big G to Get Found

Search engines are far and away the most common tool people use to find what they’re looking for on the Internet, and without a doubt, Google is the undisputed king of search, garnering by some estimates as much as 70 percent of all search engine traffic on the planet. The dominance of the “Big G” in the realm of search has created an outstanding o…
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Extend the Life of Your Direct Mail with Digital Display Ads

If you lean heavily on direct mail as your primary marketing method, you’re probably well aware that your campaigns typically have a short shelf life, even if the conversion rates are high at the beginning. Response rates have a tendency to drop dramatically within a relatively small window of time after your mailing has been completed.
skytower looking down onto the street

Digital Marketing – Where Do You Start?

You know you’ve got to build an online marketing presence, but when it comes time to actually sit down and develop a digital marketing strategy, it can truly seem overwhelming. Should you try to promote your business on social media first, or should you focus on getting search engine traffic to your website? Should you build an email opt-in list, o…
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But Does It Work? How to Write a Case Study Your Leads Want to Read

According to marketing analytics firm BazaarVoice, more than 8 out of 10 people cite opinions, recommendations and case studies as being major factors that influence their buying decisions, whether the information comes from people they know or not. This means that your leads are more likely to make a purchase when you can provide them with some ty…
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Add Minutes to Your Day by Scheduling Your Social Media Posts

These days you can make yourself crazy trying to post and update and engage with every social network your business happens to be on. But that doesn’t mean you can slack off – those profiles have to be monitored and maintained.
couple smiling at the camera

Tailor-made: Email Content that Connects with Everyone on Your List

Email marketing is highly efficient and possibly the lowest-cost digital marketing tool you have in your arsenal. The ROI for email marketing can be phenomenal – that is, if you’re using it correctly. That means creating content specifically for targeted demographics, then testing, tracking and analyzing your results. What that doesn’t mean is send…
green field with wooden fence, rocks, and evergreen trees

Social Media Real Estate: Take Advantage of Your Facebook Cover Photo

Because your Facebook page is essentially your social store front, every little space is prime real estate to promote your brand. Especially your cover photo. Rules change often on Facebook, but currently you can include anything you want in your cover photo, so be sure to follow these tips for taking advantage of the many ways it can help engage y…
old stuff sign with gras growing in front of it

Getting A New Website? Here’s What to Ask For

Does your website need an upgrade? Before you say “No, my website’s good,” it’s not enough to just have the basics of a good site – there are plenty of good sites out there. A great site has the right elements in place to make it a lead magnet. Besides being good-looking, your website should increase customer numbers and generate revenue, or it’s n…
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The IP Impact: Using Geo-Targeting to Zero In on Customers

Regardless of the size and scope of your business, there will be times when you want to market to certain geographical locations. This is true from big, global brands right on down to a mom-and-pop shop that serves a single neighborhood. The good news is that search engines are already in this game – having found ways of making search results more …
businessman at desk looking tired

7 Signs Your Business’s Social Media Needs Outside Help

At first, it seems easy – and because of social media’s personal nature, many businesses prefer to take care of their social media marketing in-house. Then there are the concerns about cost and entrusting their corporate image to outsiders. But no matter how much you may want to do everything yourself, you could be doing your business more harm tha…
Policeman saluting

4 Pay-Per-Click Rules You Can’t Ignore

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising has grown in importance over the last few years – it offers businesses a chance to compete against bigger and more established rivals on a more equal footing. Plus, PPC can generate immediate results, unlike SEO or social media marketing. But it’s not all about putting the highest bid behind a particular keyword and …
people waiting in chairs along a wall

How To Win The SEO Waiting Game

Regular, engaging content, a well organized site and a healthy sprinkling of keywords will rocket you to the top of search rankings in no time, right? Wrong. Although the elements of a great search engine optimization (SEO) strategy are well known, getting a highly coveted top 10 ranking can be a slow and frustrating process, taking months at best.…