How to Improve Facebook Engagement

| 2060 Digital

According to Hubspot, 71 percent of consumers are more likely to make a purchase because of a social media referral. LinkedIn notes that almost half of all IT purchase decisions are influenced by social networks, and of them, Facebook is the giant. The bottom line? Your business must include Facebook as a key component of your social media strategy. The following are some tips that can help your Facebook engagement and your social media strategy to be successful:

Align with your business goals – Consider carefully your overall business plan and what part social media should play in meeting your goals. Are you entering a new market? Will you be introducing new products? Do you want to grow a particular customer segment? Do you need your marketing campaigns to be more effective with greater return on investment? Facebook can be leveraged in all of these areas, but it’s important to set a particular focus and make sure that focus is tied directly to a business goal.

Affirm your target audience – For successful Facebook engagement you must have a clean definition of your target audience persona. Consider carefully your ideal customer and how that customer might use Facebook. Are they B2B owners or managers who are looking for your products or services? Should the focus be in a particular geographic area? Are your target customers young consumers or retirees? By visualizing your target audience, your Facebook initiatives can be tailored to attract that particular group.

Accelerate your campaign processes – Your Facebook marketing campaigns should keep in mind that most visitors will “like” a business Facebook page in order to participate in a contest or promotion, to get free stuff or because they are already interested in your business. Your Facebook page should be compelling enough to keep visitors coming back and encourage them to refer others. Your campaigns should be frequent but not too confusing. They should not contradict your other marketing campaigns, either. Make sure your email, direct mail and social media campaigns work together for consistency in your messages.

Analyze your results – Gather enough metrics to measure your Facebook engagement effectiveness. This includes the number of Facebook “likes,” number of conversions, promotion participation or the number of pass through clicks to your corporate website. Review this data before, during and after your campaigns to look for trends and opportunities.

You social media strategy must have Facebook engagement as a key element. With the right online marketing partner, you can create highly effective Facebook initiatives to help you achieve your business goals.