How to Drive Sales in a Mobile-First World

| 2060 Digital

The current age of smartphones and tablets and the Internet at our fingertips has changed the face of business as we know it. With consumers who are always on-the-go (and always keeping their smartphones within reach), it can be a challenge to remain competitive in a mobile-first world. So what are some things you can do to ensure your business doesn’t fall behind? Below are four essentials that will help you still bring in sales in today’s mobile-driven marketplace.

1. Your website must be mobile-friendly.

Hands down, this is the most critical step you should take right off the bat. Before there can be any talk about creating a mobile marketing campaign, you must make sure that your website has been properly designed to accommodate mobile users. If your site is slow and clunky, or if it displays your page elements in a jumbled manner, it can easily turn away your target consumers. Be sure to invest in the necessary web development resources to design a fast, responsive, user-friendly site that looks good on smartphone and tablet screens.

2. Make user input as simple and straightforward as possible.

When you’re thinking about how you want users to interact with your mobile site, you should strive for simplicity in every way possible in order to encourage sales. This is especially true if you’re driving visitors to a contact form, or some other type of page that requires user input.

Keep in mind that mobile users are constantly on the move, which means that they typically don’t have the time (or inclination) to type in information or fuss with convoluted form fields. Try to eliminate any typing activities wherever you can, and replace them with drop-down menus or one-tap option buttons. This simple but all-important step can do wonders for reducing your bounce rate and improving your conversion rates on mobile devices.

3. Utilize paid mobile ads.

Whether it’s purchasing PPC ads that target a mobile audience, buying mobile-specific video display ads or delving into the world of Snapchat Stories, there are dozens of ways to promote your business to mobile users. You should also consider using mobile-specific ad platforms that offer location-based advertising (e.g., geotargeting, geofencing, etc.) so you can send mobile users alerts about sales, discounts, special promotions, etc., whenever they come within a certain radius of your store.

In-app advertising is another excellent option to consider, because it offers a far less intrusive user experience by design. While some users might be hesitant to click on a display ad within the context of a web page, an in-app ad can be activated within the existing context of the user’s experience–e.g., between switching levels on a video game, during a regular break in a television show, etc. Not only that, but in-app ads can also take advantage of location-relevant data (e.g., demographics, local events, weather, etc.) to get a better “feel” for context, which is a key to boosting engagement.

4. Create a mobile app for your business.

Having your own mobile app is a great way to create a “mobile-centric” experience for your users. Your app can include any number of interactive elements, from games to videos to product search/description functions that can pre-sell your customers on what you have to offer. Not only is a smartphone app a great way to engage mobile users, but it lends even more credibility to your business as well.

If you want your business to thrive in the 21st century, you cannot afford to ignore the importance of mobile-specific marketing. Keep the above in mind to help you develop a mobile marketing strategy that will increase engagement, boost retention, and drive more sales among mobile users.