Google Backtracks on Third-Party Cookie Removal
| 2060 DigitalDigital marketers have been prepping for uncharted territory ever since Google announced its plan to end support for third-party cookie tracking in 2020. But as of this week, the winds have shifted yet again.
In a surprising turn of events, Google announced it is exploring a "new path" regarding online privacy that doesn't involve removing third-party cookies.
Rather than implementing a sweeping update that would undoubtedly transform the digital ecosystem, Google is "proposing an updated approach that elevates user choice." This plan will likely resemble Apple's App Tracking Transparency framework, which allows users to opt out of app tracking.
Regulators, corporations, and advertisers don't always see eye-to-eye, but they share common ground on this issue. All sides acknowledge that keeping third-party cookies (or some version of them) adds value to the web-browsing experience, including keeping the internet free to use.
Analytics expert Andrew Richardson says, "As an industry, we need to prioritize consumer privacy and adapt to a world without cookies rather than trying to circumvent the inevitable decline of these signals." At 2060 Digital, we support the momentum toward increasing user privacy. We are agile, continually adapting to the ever-changing marketing landscape.
The bottom line is regulations, privacy policies, and protocols will invariably evolve over time—especially as AI becomes more prevalent throughout the industry. Regardless of the environment, 2060 Digital is committed to our mission of driving growth through Connected Performance - activating our research, our people and our data to generate measurable results for your business.