Why Content Marketing is More Than a Blog

One of the core principles of content marketing is the oft-quoted statement that “Content is king”, and many businesses have taken this to heart and started business blogs. But while having a blog is an absolute necessity for brands that are looking to utilize content marketing in their lead generation efforts, it shouldn’t stop there;…

Ideas for Promoting Your Business Blog

Businesses that blog regularly are already taking the right steps to marketing themselves successfully online. Blogging is a great way to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry, to keep your website content fresh and attractive to search engines and to engage and delight your site visitors, hopefully prompting them to convert to…

Content Creation The Easy Way – Quick Ideas For Business Blog Posts

If you’ve got a business blog, you’re on the right track to creating a website that’s a lead generation powerhouse. But one of the most difficult things about having a business blog is maintaining a business blog with fresh, engaging content your readers will find valuable and worth their time to read. What happens when…

What is Inbound Marketing?

The emergence of inbound marketing has been one of the most significant changes to take place in the world of business in recent memory. From 2006 until the present day, inbound marketing has taken center stage as the preferred way to do business online, not only because of its unquestionable superiority over traditional marketing methods,…

Your Blog + Facebook: Tips for Promoting Your Business Blog

It’s no secret that Facebook is one of the most powerful social media tools available for the inbound marketer. Many businesses have leveraged the influence and reach of Facebook to garner new leads, communicate directly with customers and reinforce the prominence of their brand. If you’re not using Facebook to promote your business blog, you…

The Secrets to Writing a Fantastic Blog Post

Not many people would debate the validity of the famous blogging adage that “Content is king”, but for most bloggers, the question of what type of content to write has become the primary issue. It’s relatively easy to encourage people to write quality content, but what exactly does that look like? How can you be…

6 Ways to Increase Blog Readership and Subscribers

Running a business blog is a constant balancing act: Churning out new posts, responding to comments, tweaking your site’s design and a host of other details can easily occupy the majority of your time, leaving little room for you to focus on the all-important task of growing your blog readership. Cultivating a growing subscriber base…

5 Ways to Freshen Up Your Blog Content

Writer’s block: It happens to the best of us. When you’re running a business blog, it can be frustrating to stare at a blank page with a blinking cursor, feeling like your brain is empty and completely out of ideas. It doesn’t have to be this way, though–sometimes you just need a little catalyst to…

Why and How to Start a Business Blog

Roughly fifteen years ago, hardly anyone had ever even heard of the term “blog”, much less authored one of their own. Now blogging has become one of the bedrock practices of millions of Internet users, and experts estimate that more than 100,000 new blogs are being created every single day of the week. While blogging…

How and Why to Promote Your Blog on Facebook and Twitter

One of the most important aspects of blogging is promotion. You’ll never be able to maximize the reach of your content unless you spread the word. As such, Facebook and Twitter are excellent channels for promoting blog content. A social media consultant can help you further understand how to maximize the expansive, global reach of…