A Guide to Facebook Live
| 2060 DigitalSince Facebook Live was implemented in 2015 companies have been utilizing this tool in their digital marketing plans. Read on to see how your company can best use Facebook Live. Read time: 2 minutes, 40 seconds
When Facebook Live was launched in 2015 Mark Zuckerberg said, “When you interact live, you feel connected in a more personal way.” Businesses and advertisers know that forming a personal connection with potential customers is the most effective way to lead to sales. Thus, marketing on Facebook Live has taken off and produced tremendous results for businesses that have incorporated the practice into their digital strategy. Keep these 5 tips in mind during your next live video campaign to connect with your audience and leave them with a favorable view of your brand:
1. Promote Prior to Your Broadcast
Build anticipation within your audience by aggressively promoting your broadcast in the days before you go live. Frequently share updates about what you’ll be discussing in the video and why someone would want to tune in to watch. Targeting people who will likely be interested in the content is the best way to build an audience leading up to your broadcast. If you’re struggling to think of promotional copy, ask yourself, “What would motivate me to watch this video?”
2. Converse with the Audience
If you have an engaged audience that is responsive throughout your broadcast, show your appreciation for their viewership by acknowledging their comments. Facebook Live drives comments at 10x the rate of non-live videos which means you’ll have ample opportunities to converse with your audience. Take advantage and build a relationship with your potential customer!
3. Timing is Everything
When you produce a live video you’re asking a great deal of your audience, the least you can do is make it convenient! Make sure that your broadcast is taking place at a time when the majority of your audience is awake and active. Some experts say that videos in the early evening are effective because people are at home but not yet sleeping. As a general rule, it’s always good to do a little research of your own since you (should) know your target audience best.
4. Prepare Properly
Live videos are intended to be a laid-back experience for both broadcasters and users. With that being said, giving the appearance of being laid-back doesn’t mean you should neglect adequate planning. It’s a good idea to do a “test” run beforehand to ensure the camera angles are correct (no shaky-camera hands, set the camera down on a desk or table) and always make sure the backdrop isn’t distracting to your audience.
5. Provide Context Frequently
Introductions are important, and in a live video setting they should be revisited periodically throughout the broadcast. It’s likely that some users will check-in after the video is underway, and to hold their attention you should acknowledge the newcomers by saying things like, “Hey, if you’re just joining us we’re currently discussing [topic] and just finished covering [topic]. Do your best to catch them up without slowing down to a point where your original audience becomes disinterested.
Live video can be a goldmine for advertisers if executed properly. Remember to tailor your message to the medium through which you’re communicating with your audience. Be responsive, energetic, and likable and your audience of potential customers will leave with a positive view of your brand or company. Happy broadcasting!