A Business Owner’s Best Friend: How Reputation Management Saves Time and Stress

| 2060 Digital

If you’re like most business owners, you’ve probably Googled your own company name just to see what comes up. Are you satisfied with the results? Do you like the way your brand is represented online, or does it leave much to be desired? Now more than ever, businesses need to pay attention to managing their online reputation, as it can be make-or-break for many brands that rely upon search engine traffic to get noticed online.

Unfortunately, not too many business owners have the time, resources, or inclination to monitor and respond to all of the social media comments, online reviews, blog mentions, and other third-party chatter floating around the Web that can affect their online reputation. This is where online reputation management services can really make a difference. Below are three key ways in which an online reputation management agency can save you tons of time, effort, and stress.

1. They monitor your social media accounts.

When you’re caught up in the day-to-day aspects of running your business, it can be easy to let your social media activity take a backseat. The result is that your social media accounts look like virtual ghost towns, which can lead to dozens of missed opportunities. An online reputation management firm monitors your social media accounts, so your brand can engage with fans and followers in a way that boosts your social media equity.

2. They respond to online reviews.

Whether it’s Yelp, TripAdvisor, Google, or any other online outpost that allows customer reviews, the keystroke is definitely mightier than the sword in terms of the impact it can have on your business. Most consumers don’t even expect a business to garner 5-star reviews all the time (otherwise, things might be a little fishy); they’re just looking for a business to operate in honesty and integrity, and to communicate responsibly.

An online reputation manager can build this type of brand integrity by skillfully responding to both positive and negative online reviews. They scour the Web for any reviews of your company, and then respond appropriately by highlighting and sharing positive feedback, as well as offering apologies, explanations, and/or incentives for disgruntled customers to hopefully win back their business.

3. They improve your company’s visibility and image in search engine results.

What people see when they search for your company name in a search engine can greatly influence their decision to business with you. In fact, one survey found that 45% of the respondents would not do business with a company if they found something unfavorable in the search results for that company. If the first page of search results is littered with inaccurate, irrelevant, or even negative information regarding your brand, most potential customers will think twice about giving your product or service a try.

An online reputation management company employs a variety of techniques to ensure that only the content that accurately represents your brand will populate the first page of Google’s search results, thus putting your company in a better light in the eyes of potential customers.

All of the above strategies require time and commitment, and they can seem like an overwhelming task for most business owners who are already pressed as it is. Instead of struggling with trying to juggle these vital responsibilities yourself, consider enlisting the services of 2060 Digital to help lighten the workload. You’ll have fewer items on your to-do list, your brand’s online image will improve, and you’ll have more peace of mind to boot!