7 Tips to Establish Yourself as a Thought Leader on LinkedIn

| 2060 Digital

Taking part in a LinkedIn Group is a great way to tune in on what people in your industry are talking about – and also a great way to establish yourself as a thought leader and market your business. But in order to do that, you’ve got to interact. How? Here are seven tips for using LinkedIn Groups effectively.

  1. Be Generous
    The main benefit of social media tools like LinkedIn is that its a lot easier and faster to connect with people than ever. The negative is that internet marketers have swamped these channels with noise that tends to make everyone cynical. Therefore, you should be a giver in the group – don’t spam. Share information that really has value to the group members. Just ask yourself, “Would I recognize this to be relevant, thoughtful information that’s presented with care?” If you can’t answer yes, don’t share it.

  2. Don’t Be Salesy
    Using your presence in a LinkedIn Group to blast advertising messages will likely make the people you’re trying to influence run for the hills, ruining any possibility of a connection with them later on. Instead, articulate questions in a tone that encourages and facilitates discussion, or choose a unique angle to present your thought, rather than being pushy and salesy.

  3. Follow-Up
    This is extremely important: don’t post a question and simply run away. When people have extended the courtesy of responding to you, pay them back the favor by leaving a comment – at the very least liking their comment/post. Keep in mind, if you initiated the conversation, that means you own it.

  4. Understand the Tone
    Would like to leave a warm and friendly reply? Take up a heated discussion? Craft your replies and comments according to the way you want your message or information to be received. It’s tough to detect a specific tone on the online world, so take special care with your word choice in order to avoid offending somebody.

  5. Be Active
    Like and share articles, discussions and posts you love with the group members. Comment on a regular basis to become a reliable, familiar and trusted voice in the group. Take advantage of articles, videos and info-graphics to justify your statement or questions.

  6. Show a Little Personality
    Each social network is different, but letting your personality show through is always a good idea. Just remember to stay professional – this is LinkedIn, after all. People tend to want to do business with those they know, like and have confidence in.

  7. Don’t Over-post
    You don’t want to over-post and irritate the group members by filling up their notifications with nonstop chatter. They won’t be able or wish to read the things you send them if you annoy them with volume. Instead, watch the pace of the group and post and share information within that pace. If most members are posting once a week, then you do, too.

LinkedIn Groups are your kick off point to build trust and create awareness around your company and brand. If you follow the above steps on how to interact, you’ll be on your way to building meaningful connections, expanding your LinkedIn Group and having fun and interesting discussions.