5 Ways To Get Your Content Seen On Facebook
| 2060 DigitalHopefully, you’re spending the time and effort to develop and publish interesting, engaging content on Facebook. That is, without a doubt, the most important part of social media marketing – quality content your fans will find valuable. But it’s important to understand that Facebook filters and ranks the content you share based on their News Feed algorithm (previously known as Edgerank). Just like Google, Facebook has a well-defined algorithm to determine how relevant your posts are to your followers, so just posting isn’t a guarantee that your content will be found at all, let alone found valuable.
Here are some ways – paid and unpaid – you can increase the likelihood that your quality content is getting seen by your Facebook fans.
1. Understand the Essence Of User Engagement
First and foremost, it’s important to understand your target audience and to keep in mind the portrait of your ideal fan. Users engage with brands that offer them help, entertainment, education and solutions. Consider what your target fan will find helpful or entertaining and base your content around those ideas. Multimedia files tend to fare better as far as visibility and user engagement goes. You should also be posting often – at least once a day. This shows your fans that they can expect regular updates from you, and it also helps Facebook to know your page isn’t dormant.
Timing is critical as well – as you may already know, Facebook users tend to be more active around certain hours, so post your content when your target audience is online. The Facebook Insights tool will offer you a look into what those peak times are. Click here for suggestions on what and when to post on Facebook.
2. Improve Reach Through High-Quality Content
Another aspect that you need to understand is the difference between Impressions and Reach: in a nutshell, Facebook Impressions refer to the number of times your post is displayed (no matter if people click on it or not), while Reach refers to the number of unique people who got your message. Your goals should be to increase your Reach, and the only way you can do that is by providing original, well-written content, content that stimulates the user to click on it and to take action.
3. Analyze Your Posts and Make Changes
You can’t improve the quality of your posts unless you know which ones are performing better than others. But referring to Facebook Insights to monitor the reach of your posts is the baseline of what you can do to improve visibility – you’ve got to make adjustments based on what you see. There are all sorts of monitoring tools and software out there that can show you any number of analytics, so go ahead and choose one and then regularly examine the levels of engagement of different posts, at different times, on different days, etc. to continually hone your Facebook content strategy.
4. Contest! Contest! Contest!
Everyone loves a freebie – as long as it’s of value to them. In fact, they might jump through all sorts of hoops to try to get it if it’s really worth it – even visit your Facebook page and interact often. Facebook is a fantastic platform for contesting. As long as you make the prize valuable and the rules for entry clear and simple, your contest will gain traction and engagement will go up, increasing your reach.
5. Pony Up for Paid Ads
Paid ads are a fail-proof method to have your content displayed and accessed on Facebook for two main reasons: one, these paid ads promote your content no matter where you may fall in an algorithm, and two, they also reach the specific market segment that is interested in what you have to offer. Facebook allows you to target your paid ads to site users based on various demographics, so you can ensure that your content, or your Facebook page as a whole, is being seen by people who want what you’ve got.
Again, there’s no guarantee that your content will be seen on Facebook, but there are certain things you can do to boost your visibility and hopefully generate business. The key is quality content – no matter if you’re trying paid or unpaid methods. Even if you buy an ad that will go out to thousands of segmented users, the quality of your page’s content must strike them as valuable before they’ll share, like or comment.